Saturday, January 16, 2016

Fix #10

I couldn't find anything that was sent to me online before I got it, so it was all a surprise. I was excited because I had such a winner last time with this stylist. I was very hopeful.

Bary Boat Neck Pullover Sweater

Nope! The minute I pulled this out, I knew it wasn't going to work. I tried it on and nothing changed. I had asked for more color in my wardrobe and had specified that I don't like loud patterns or busy prints, but I prefer solids. This was an attempt to give me more color. It actually fit really well and Steven said it looked better on than when I first showed it to him. After looking at the picture of myself, it looks cuter than I thought. I just don't love it.

I think the only people that can pull off this look are these fellas.

Conclusion: Return

Kut From The Kloth
Simmons Bootcut Jean

When I took these out of the box my daughter said, "Those are big." After converting to skinny jeans, anything else feels like an excess of fabric. While these pants might be cute and fit perfectly, I just don't like bootcut jeans anymore. I have since taken bootcut off of my style profile. 

Conclusion: Return

Eleonora Dress

I'm always nervous when my stylist sends me a dress. First off, it is way too bohemian for me. I have told them time and time again that I don't like flowy things. When will they learn? Second, it is just too short, so even if I did like it, it wouldn't work. Also, what is up with the criss cross thing in the front? This dress is not even close to my style.

Conclusion: Return

Kut From The Kloth
Maisha Ponte and Faux Leather Jacket

When I saw that my stylist had sent me a faux leather jacket, I didn't understand why because I just bought one. While I love my jacket I already own, I don't feel it necessary to have two leather jackets. Also, my stylist said that she sent it because she had seen similar styles on my pinterest board. Really? I just looked at my board and I don't see anything that looks like this. All of the leather jackets I pinned have zippers, first of all. This one feels like a glorified cardigan. No no no. It did fit amazingly, though.

Conclusion: Return

Bessa Enamel Clover Earrings

Oh boy! Not even close to my style. Whenever I ask for earrings I always make sure that I ask them to please look at my pinterest board for ideas. Are they seeing stuff I'm not seeing? Check it out for yourself: Stitch Fix Ideas. Do these earrings look like the ones I pinned? I could totally see someone else wearing these and it working, but not for me.

Conclusion: Return

What is up with that fix? I was so excited because this fix was done by the same stylist as last time. I feel like it was a totally different person. Maybe last fix was a fluke. Who knows? Is my style that hard? Am I being too harsh?

To start getting your own fixes click here.

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